NCE Exam Question Changes

My understanding is that the NCE exam has changed the number of test questions in the 8 CACREP areas. Counselors who took the exam in June and July (2020) sent me copies of their scores.  The number of items from the 8 CACREP content areas have been very steady over many years as I report in my Study Guide. Here are the old numbers and the new numbers:








The number of items in the Counselor Work Behavior Areas (contexts) are as NBCC reports on its website:






When you take the exam, I would love to see what the item mix has been on your version of the exam and would very much appreciate a copy of your exam results. Please keep these new numbers in mind when studying although your version of the exam may have numbers different from any of the above. For more information about NBCC’s move to a more clinical counseling exam experience, please read the section in my Study Guide titled The National Counselor Exam and CPCE, pages 7-12.

If you used my study material and found it useful, I would also appreciate a short review/comment from you at the website where my Study Guide is listed. If you do this, remember to place your comment on the site of the 9th Edition as Amazon also lists earlier editions. If you send your comments to me as well, I can put them on this website under Success Stories.