The Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE was revised in 2021.
Consequently, the Workshop DVDs will remain the same as before. There will be no disadvantage in using the 2015 edition of the Workshop DVDs.
The basic content material of the workshop is the Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE which should be used with the DVDs. Although the Study Guide used during the filming of the workshop was the sixth edition, the Workshop DVDs have been updated and revised. Using the 9th Edition will work very nicely in following the DVD material. In short, the Study Guide provides organization and coherence to the workshop.
Dr Helwig reviews content material which consists of theories, techniques, concepts, and people providing examples and explanations, as well as answers to questions of the counselling workshop participants. Some examples of test questions are reviewed and discussed to assist in exam preparation.