Dr. Andrew Helwig

Introduces his Workshop DVDs

The Study Guide is over 400 pages and includes content material in the eight areas examined by the NCE and CPCE.

Study Guide for the National Counselor Examination and CPCE – Print Version

Dr. Helwig conducted a one-day workshop preparing counselors for the National Counselor Exam, CPCE and similar exams 245 times in 18 states for over 4,300 participants. This workshop is available on DVD. This is a recording of an actual workshop conducted in Denver preparing counselors and graduate students for the National Counselor Examination and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE). The recorded workshop is over six hours in length and is contained on three movie quality DVDs.

The Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE was revised in 2021.

Consequently, the Workshop DVDs will remain the same as before. There will be no disadvantage in using the 2015 edition of the Workshop DVDs.

The basic content material of the workshop is the Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE which should be used with the DVDs. Although the Study Guide used during the filming of the workshop was the sixth edition, the Workshop DVDs have been updated and revised. Using the 9th Edition will work very nicely in following the DVD material. In short, the Study Guide provides organization and coherence to the workshop.

Dr Helwig reviews content material which consists of theories, techniques, concepts, and people providing examples and explanations, as well as answers to questions of the counselling workshop participants. Some examples of test questions are reviewed and discussed to assist in exam preparation.

Four of the eight content areas on the National Counselor Exam and CPCE are presented and discussed thoroughly during the workshop. These areas, often perceived as the most difficult by counsellors preparing for the exam are:

  • Assessment and Testing
  • Research and Program Evaluation
  • Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice
  • Career Counseling

The other four areas are reviewed briefly but with significant suggestions about specific content as to importance, likelihood of being on the exam, and strategies for studying the material. These four areas are:

  • Human Growth and Development
  • Social and Cultural Diversity
  • Counselling & Helping Relationships (and family)
  • Group Counseling and Group WorkThe workshop begins with a discussion and review of the National Counselor Exam, the content areas, number of questions on the exam from each content area, the work domain contexts, scoring procedures, and cutoff score determination. Test-taking strategies are also examined including how to prepare for the exam and strategies to use while taking the exam.

The DVDs are movie quality with audio and visual content. Also, see the Study Guide for the National Counselor Examination and CPCE.

NCE / CPCE Study Guide Special Offers

All products and workshops have been developed by Dr. Andrew Helwig since 1990. Dr. Helwig has conducted over 245 “live” one-day counselor examination review sessions in 18 states. Over 4,000 counselors have participated in these workshops for counselor exam prep.

Special Offer – Save $20!

Purchase both the Study Guide (Instant PDF Download) and Workshop DVDs for $84, a $20 savings.

Special Offer – Save $20!

Purchase both the Study Guide (Printed Version) and Workshop DVDs for $84, a $20 savings.

Success Stories

Your book was one of the best resources I used, hands down. The way you brokedown complex concepts made them not only understandable but also something I could confidently carry into the exam. You have a real gift for making the material feel approachable without losing any of its depth.

Chris from Colorado (August 2024)

Request For Feedback

I expect to revise the Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE early in 2025. I would very much appreciate comments, suggestions, feedback from Study Guide […]

NCE Exam Changes (Updated – May, 2023)

Here is the current known range of items on the NCE based on exam results sent to me by several counselors over the last twelve months. CACREP AREAS […]

Online Master’s Degrees

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