Success Stories
My only preparation for the exam was in attending your seminar and studying from the Study Guide for 2 months prior to the exam. It was enough to prepare for passing on my first try. Thank you!
Your class was all I really needed to pass. The version I took seemed more simplistic. Your test was more thought-provoking.
I did not think I would have passed without this workshop and material. It had been nearly 20 years since I got my degree in counseling psychology.
I found your DVD w/Study Guide to be very helpful. I got my degree in 1981. I was worried that your materials would not be enough. I did look at some other references to clarify some points. I would recommend your Study Guide especially with the DVDs to anyone – - even if they have been out of school for awhile.
Workshop and study were worth my money!! Preferred Helwig over Rosenthal. Helwig’s guide was straightforward and organized (and direct). Rosenthal is too wordy for me (and not amusing). Workshop was very helpful — going through practice exams & finding the answers in the study guide during the workshop was a great way to study. One thing – felt like I had studied “wrong” because CPCE tested very specific concepts. Overall, Study Guide has been the most helpful tool in my preparation for the CPCE/NCE! Thank you!!
I passed the NCE exam in October, 2010, and I have now bequeathed my study guide to one of my fellow classmates! I used your study guide exclusively and took copious notes throughout the program (workshop) that were a big help. While I wish that I had decided to take the exam earlier than August, I did try to devote as much time to it as any class I was taking.