
Live Workshops for Counselor Exam Prep

For many counselors preparing for the National Counselor Exam, the CPCE, or similar exams, participating in a “live” exam preparation session is most desirable. I conducted 245 of these one-day prep sessions around the country. After 20 years of helping counselors with this preparation, I stopped doing my workshops in December of 2012. However, I…


Types of Questions on the NCE Exam

Practicing counselors and graduate students know that there are 200 questions on the National Counselor Exam (NCE) and that only 160 of them are scored for you. The highest possible score you can attain is 160; however, a score of about 100 is sufficient to pass the exam in most cases. Some forms of the…


Your Score on the National Counselor Exam

Some practicing counselors and graduate students believe that their score on the National Counselor Exam (NCE) is determined by all the scores of others taking the same exam at the same time. The lament is: If I take the exam with a bunch of very high performers on the NCE, my score will be influenced…


Career Development Questions on the Counselor Exam!

I’ve been helping practicing counselors and students prepare for exams for over 20 years. A continuing comment I receive after counselors complete the exams is “There are so many questions that relate to career development.  It seems that half of the questions are career development ones!” In fact, on the National Counselor Exam (NCE) of…