I expect to revise the Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE early in 2025. I would very much appreciate comments, suggestions, feedback from Study Guide users to help guide me for changes to the study material. There are over 160 comments/reactions to the Study Guide on the […]
The Study Guide was revised in 2021 to reflect the changes in the National Counselor Exam. Principal changes to the NCE reflect the results of the recent national survey by the National Board for Certified Counselors. The exam has more emphasis on clinical mental health issues. Another exam issue counselors […]
The Study Guide for the National Counselor Exam and CPCE has been revised. It is now the 9th Edition published in January 2020. Copies should be available about February 1st. NBCC conducted a national survey of practicing counselors basically asking them to report what they do in their counseling. Results […]
The Study Guide for the National Counselor Examination and CPCE has been revised and updated. The 8th Edition (2018) of this very popular study and reference document, written by Dr. Andrew Helwig, is now available. Over 400 pages long, the study guide covers the eight CACREP content areas found on the NCE, CPCE, […]
For many counselors preparing for the National Counselor Exam, the CPCE, or similar exams, participating in a “live” exam preparation session is most desirable. I conducted 245 of these one-day prep sessions around the country. After 20 years of helping counselors with this preparation, I stopped doing my workshops in […]
The Workshop DVDs for the NCE and CPCE have been revised and updated. They are consistent with the material in the 7th Edition of the Study Guide for the NCE and CPCE. This DVD Workshop keeps much of the important material found on the previous recording of the six-plus hour […]
The Study Guide for the National Counselor Examination and CPCE has been revised and updated. The 7th Edition (2015) of this very popular study and reference document, written by Dr. Andrew Helwig, is now available. Over 400 pages long, the study guide covers the eight CACREP content areas found on […]
I’ve been helping practicing counselors and students prepare for exams for over 20 years. A continuing comment I receive after counselors complete the exams is “There are so many questions that relate to career development. It seems that half of the questions are career development ones!” In fact, on the […]