Many practicing counselors and graduate students in counseling are not members of the American Counseling Association (ACA). They may be members of other national or state-level organizations related to counseling.
In any case, the ACA website is not just for ACA members. There is a plethora of information which most counselors can use in their professional counseling lives. The website for ACA is:
On the ACA website, one tab is called Knowledge Center. One of the potentially useful topics is State Professional Counselor Licensure Boards. The address, phone number and website addresses for each of the 50 state boards of counseling are listed. For each state, the titles for licensed professional counselors in that state are identified.
In addition, periodically, ACA publishes a document titled: Licensure Requirements for Professional Counselors. This book includes state-by-state information about licensure requirements, clinical supervisor requirements, licensure renewal requirements, whether the state law is a Practice Act versus a Title Act, and much additional information. The most recent compilation was published in 2012.
Other potentially useful tabs on the ACA website include the Careers tab. This identifies a limited number of national job openings which ACA categorizes as either Clinical or Academic. Another tab is the very large Publications section with information about books, DVDs, journals, newsletters, etc.
Visit. It’s free and you’ll find much information related to professional counseling.
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