The American Counseling Association (ACA) sponsors a forum of general as well as specific individual counselor issues. It is posted every day and may include from five to 25 counselor statements, comments and questions. This is a discussion forum where you can post comments to those listed or ask a new question or make a statement.

This is a forum available to ACA members and arrives in your email box every day. The ACA website is:

Topics listed, discussed and debated include such as starting a private practice and filing insurance claims for clients.  Employment possibilities, internship sites, trying to locate a supervisor have all been presented lately. Another issue receiving regular scrutiny is the barriers (real and perceived) by non-CACREP program graduates for pursuing and getting positions in some federal agencies such as the VA (TRICARE) and MEDICARE (when implementing legislation is finally passed).

One of the benefits of being an ACA member is the access you get to participate in or simply following the discussions in the daily forum.

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