The Study Guide was revised in 2021 to reflect the changes in the National Counselor Exam. Principal changes to the NCE reflect the results of the recent national survey by the National Board for Certified Counselors. The exam has more emphasis on clinical mental health issues.
Another exam issue counselors need to be aware of is that the number of exam questions in each of the eight CACREP content areas has changed. The number of questions in each of those areas had been stable for many years as was indicated in my last version of the Study Guide. This is no longer true. Do review the section in the Study Guide titled: The National Counselor Exam and CPCE for up-to-date information (pages 7-12). The areas of Counseling and Helping Relationships, Group Counseling and Assessment and Testing receive greater emphasis beginning in 2020 and the areas of Social and Cultural Diversity, Research and Program Evaluation and Professional Orientation/Ethics receive less emphasis than was the case before 2020.
The 2021 revised edition of the Study Guide includes information about the COVID-19 Pandemic’s influences on mental health, couples and families, the counseling profession, and the workplace. Other changes included in this revision of the Study Guide are additional group therapy concepts, telemental health counseling issues, portability updates, and changes to the NCE Practice Exam reflecting changes to the NCE.