NBCC Revised Code of Ethics

The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) published a new code of ethics which was effective in March. The code establishes minimum ethical behaviors and expectations for ethical practice by all counselors certified by NBCC or applicants for certification. A copy of the code of ethics is available as a PDF document on NBCC’s website, www.nbcc.org.

In addition to the code of ethics, NBCC published the Ethics Case Procedures. This extensive document spells out how ethics cases are to be submitted to NBCC and how these cases are processed. The disciplinary rules for different ethical violations are specified.

There is considerable overlap and similarity between the NBCC Code of Ethics and the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics available at: www.counseling.org. Most state licensure boards have built into their counselor licensure statutes,  ethical statements and concepts which come from the ACA Code of Ethics.

ACA is in the process of revising its code of ethics. The revised code should be published in 2014. Beginning in 2015, it is reasonable to find counselor exam items based on the newly revised code of ethics.

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